New to the Game

Nowadays most webpages include a blog of some sort.  Image Resources’ is excited to finally be taking the leap into the vast world of blogging. From here on out prepare to be educated on all things dealing with legal video. Dave Fulton founded this company in 1994 and since has learned a tremendous amount of knowledge about how video can be used to create a meaningful connection between the viewer and the plaintiff.

Some topics to keep a look out for are as follows:

  • The difference between a Day-in-the-life video and a Settlement Documentary
  • The 5 myths of Settlement Documentaries
  • Why we take video depositions so seriously
  • Mechanics of a good medical statement
  • Important “moments in time” for your client
  • Highlights from CLE events across the country

And much more…

Stay tuned!


Emily Gregory

Communications Director


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