MYTH #1 ABOUT CASE VALUE Many defendants are unwilling to pay a fair value for claims without the full weight of evidence and testimony supporting a plaintiff’s case. As a result, far too many claims fail to be resolved in settlement or mediation when it would be in the best interests of all parties to reach a fair compromise. It
7 Best Practices for Remote Video Depositions When everyone began sheltering in place amidst the corona virus outbreak last spring, the wheels of litigation came to a grinding halt. Attorneys had to find new ways to conduct discovery and meet case deadlines while adhering to various stay-at-home orders. Now, remote video depositions have become a practical workaround during this global
Why Day One is the Most Important Day of a Big Case A great case comes in the door with strong liability and significant damages. The kind of case you might consider for a settlement documentary to be used at or in advance of mediation. With the best of intentions, you map out in your head the visuals you’ll want.
5 REASONS TO CONSIDER REMOTE VIDEO DEPOSITIONS With Covid-19 restrictions and challenges, we implemented ‘Remote Video Depositions’ for our clients. Remote Video Depositions will help you meet discovery deadlines while allowing all parties involved to abide by stay-at-home directives and social distancing. we have highlighted 5 reasons to consider when hiring us for your remote video depositions 1. ONE CALL,
As the stay at home restrictions in Indiana are relaxed over the next few weeks, you may find yourself with more flexibility in the way your video depositions are conducted. At Image Resources, we offer 3 best options for video depositions to meet the needs of our clients and provide maximum impact. 3 BEST OPTIONS FOR VIDEO DEPOSITIONS 1. Lockdown
Throughout the 2018 Annual Workhorse Seminar many speakers discussed video and how video can be utilized within their practices. On Tuesday, Gerry Oginski from The Law Office of Gerald Oginski in Great Neck, New York discussed, “How Video Marketing Can Make You a Better Trial Lawyer and Get You Better Cases.” Mr. Oginski began his presentation by reminding the attorneys
No More Your Word Verses Theirs Defense medical exams (DME) are an unsupervised interrogation of your client by an agent of the defendant. The only way to hold the paid physician accountable for the content of the report is to video record the exams that are conducted. Video helps ensure all parties are being upfront. The physicians report may suggest
The quality of your web presence reflects the professionalism of your firm. At Image Resources, Inc. we craft each web video to help get your message across. With so much cut throat competition, it is essential that you stand out and connect to prospective clients in a unique fashion. No matter the complexity, we can create a great end product
Not every case is suitable for a settlement documentary, and some care must be taken in thinking through the basic criteria. The best documentaries we have produced have been those with thoughtful and credible witnesses, and with injuries- whether physical, emotional, or cognitive- that are significant. A case involving death or significant injuries usually involves aspects that lends itself well
The Onion Theory of Settlement Documentaries A great settlement documentary is multifaceted, and consists of layer upon layer of information, much like the layers of an onion. As you scratch one surface, another reveals itself. Day In the Life Video Let’s start with a basic Day-In-The-Life video. We see the plaintiff’s struggles and the help he requires day-in and