TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY CASES Traumatic brain injury (TBI) and soft tissue cases are always difficult to navigate because of their subjective nature. Often referred to as “invisible injuries”, closed-head injuries can’t be seen with the naked eye and sometimes don’t even show up well on medical imaging film. That’s where a settlement documentary can help convey damages. Powerful storytelling can
Legal video during COVID-19 It’s been a difficult and unpredictable time since COVID-19 changed the world as we know it. Despite the changes, one thing remains the same: our commitment to creating visually compelling videos that engage your audience and help you with your cases. Whether you want to settle during mediation or need a good looking deposition video for
HOW TO APPROACH THE PERSONAL INJURY CASE Settlement documentaries are a powerful way for a personal injury victim to tell his/her story. Through professional legal videography you can give critical insight into the day-to-day life of the victim, demonstrating the damages that an incident has caused him/her. A settlement documentary provides a strong platform for the words of the victim,
DEMONSTRATING NON-ECONOMIC DAMAGES WITH A SETTLEMENT DOCUMENTARY The damages of your case are economic and non-economic. The economic damages are a relative cake walk. Save the receipts and add them up. But how does one prove non-economic damages? These are the facets of the case defined by the amount of damage to the plaintiff’s human condition. How has the event
No More Your Word Verses Theirs Defense medical exams (DME) are an unsupervised interrogation of your client by an agent of the defendant. The only way to hold the paid physician accountable for the content of the report is to video record the exams that are conducted. Video helps ensure all parties are being upfront. The physicians report may suggest