Just as you would select a cardiac surgeon over a general practitioner to perform open bypass, and just as you expect injured parties to choose you as a plaintiff attorney rather than calling a contract attorney to handle their cases, it makes sense to shop for a video production company which has experience working with attorneys. You will spend far
A video production company which specializes in settlement documentaries will base its proposal price on the perceived complexity of the project. This complexity can be narrowed down into four basic components: Other considerations may be the complexity of the production elements to be included. For example, a foot locker filled with home videos and dozens of photo albums will take
At risk of sounding simplistic, every case has two components: liability and damages. The damages are economic and non-economic. The economic damages are a relative cake walk. Save the receipts and add’em up. But how does one prove non-economic damages? These are the facets of the case defined by the amount of damage to the plaintiff’s human condition. How has
The Onion Theory of Settlement Documentaries A great settlement documentary is multifaceted, and consists of layer upon layer of information, much like the layers of an onion. As you scratch one surface, another reveals itself. Day In the Life Video Let’s start with a basic Day-In-The-Life video. We see the plaintiff’s struggles and the help he requires day-in and
Day-In-The-Life Video vs. Settlement Documentaries Often times the terms “day-in-the-life” and “settlement documentary” are used interchangeably. Though both types of legal video are related, they should be viewed differently from one another. Day-in-the-life video is used to illustrate the everyday struggles the plaintiff endures. Whether that be in the hospital, at therapy, or at home, we capture what it is